Ep. 97: Josephine Schmidt, The New Humanitarian

Communicators, especially top executives, need to be educated in the environmental knowledge in which their businesses operate, particularly to help determine how to deliver value to society. It is important to read a diverse collection of news sources in order to be informed.

  • As a journalist, Josephine Schmidt has had a front row seat at many of the significant transitions in society over the past few decades. These economic, social, and political events have shaped her work at the New Humanitarian, an independent, nonprofit news source. 

  • Organizations are really looking for ideas that have long term benefits and that empower local people to rise to the challenges of what they're seeing in their own communities. There are more and more examples of organizations helping to face the challenges around the world. 

  • As communicators, it is important to understand world events from multiple perspectives. The New Humanitarian partners with local news sources to get in-depth, long term coverage of significant events from the people directly impacted by the events including the recent earthquake in Syria and Turkey.

  • “Impact is our currency as a nonprofit newsroom. It's what allows us to continue our work. Just like clicks are the currency of most commercial media organizations. These days, ads are sold against audiences and revenue depends on audience numbers, but impact is our currency.” 


Ep. 98: Where AI and Ethics Intersect: Questions of the Present and Future


Ep. 96: Wise Ways to Make Chat GPT Work For Your Brand from “Prompt: A Practical Guide to Brand Growth Using Chat GPT”